Alvaro Rocha
University of Coimbra
Ãlvaro Rocha is Professor of Information Systems at University of Coimbra and an invited Professor at University of Santiago de Compostela and at University of Vigo. He holds Habilitation in Information Systems and Technologies, PhD in Engineering and Management of Information Systems, and MSc in Information Management. He is a senior researcher at the LIACC (Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science), a collaborator researcher at the CISUC (Centre for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra) and a collaborator researcher at the CINTESIS (Center for Research in Health Technologies and Information Systems). He is President of AISTI (Iberian Association for Information Systems and Technologies), President of the IEEE Portugal Section Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society Chapter, and Vice-President of ADI-PME (Association for the Development and Innovation in the Small and Medium Enterprises). He is also the Editor-in-Chief of the Software Engineering journal and the Editor-in-Chief of the RISTI (Iberian Journal of Information Systems and Technologies).
Research Interest
Engineering and Technology-Engineering Electrical, Electronic and Information Technology. Social-Economic and Management Sciences.